Vitaminer i Norsk fisk IV. Vitamin B6 og biotin i forskjellige organer fra torskefisker (Gadidae) fanget langs Norskekysten
The species cod (Gadus morrhua), coalfish (Gadus virens), ling (Molva molva) and torsk (Brosmus brosme) have been investigated. The samples were collected from newly caught fish and analysed fresh or after storage at below - 15°C. Vitamin B6 was determined microbiologically using Saccharomyces carlsbergensis as testorganism. Biotin was determined microbiologically with Lactobacillus plantarum. The results are summarized in Table 1-5, which have English subtitles. In general the filets were good sources for vitamin B6 and biotin. The white and red muscle contained about equal concentrations of vitamin B6, wheras the red muscle contained 6 to 22 times as much biotin as the white muscle. The liver is a fair source for vitamin B6 but a very rich source for biotin. The kidneys showed a difference between the front parts and the back parts, with about four times higher concentrations of both vitamin B6 and biotin in the latter. The results are briefly discussed.